Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Gingerbread Village

                                Merry Christmas to all !!!

I have been very busy with work and just life in general, I have not devoted as much time to my blog as I would have like or had planned. I am getting ready for Christmas like everyone else in blogland. So I don't have much to share. I have taken pictures of a few of my Christmas decorations to share.
My Gingerbread Village. I bought most of the items 1/2 price last year after Christmas.

A blanket of snow and a few gumdrops complete the scene. I also keep my Christmas candy in decorative jars on the side, you can't see them  but there's Snicker bars and Peanut butter cups mini size of course. Must watch our weight during the holidays LOL :)
Wishing all Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and may the New Year bring you much Health, Happiness and lots of LOVE and FUN.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Seashell Curtain Tiebacks

I am joining Susan at   for Metamorphosis Monday and Cheri at  for Its So Very Creative Monday. I love the beach and my living room is decorated beachy country style. I have seashells just lying around waiting to be used. I have made several things for my living room with shells, A wreath and a flower arrangement but decided my windows need something beachy. So I came up with tiebacks, Really simple to do, All you need for the project are seashells that are similar in size and color, rope or ribbon, I used rope type that I purchased at Hobby Lobby, a drill and drill bits- a small one and a larger one,  also a old phone book to place the shells on when you drill.

These 2 shells look pretty, think I will use them

Drill a small hole on each side of the shell, using the small drill bit, then using the larger drill bit make the holes bigger so your rope can be inserted. Sorry the picture is not to good, but you get the idea.

Insert rope into a hole and bring over and insert into the other hole, place around your curtains and tie the ends together, adjust, instant tiebacks. I have hooks that I slip my tiebacks on. I think they look good.

After making my tiebacks, I began searching the internet and found these:

I think I can make mind look prettier, I will be making a trip to Hobby Lobby this week in search of tassels.
I will let you know how they turned out. Thanks for stopping by. Patricia

Friday, November 6, 2009

Semi-Homemade Banana Bread

I am participating in Food Friday hosted by Michael at
I love this time of the year, especially Pumpkin and Banana Breads, but I work fulltime and just can not find the time to bake from scratch. So I bake Semi-homemade. I love watching Sandra Lee on Food TV.  She takes package foods and turns them into even better food .
This is not really new because I have been doing this for all my married years. A girl must learn to improvise.

 I use a store brand brand bread and turn it into a even better banana bread.

 I Follow the directions on the box and prepare the mix. I have found that if I prepare the bread according to the directions and then add my extra ingredients the bread turns out bettter.

After preparing the batter I add 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract, 3-4 bad bananas (bananas no one will eat), but I just can't bring myself to throw them away, so I stick them in the freezer. They actually have more favorite when they are frozen and then thawed. I cut them up into small pieces to make mixing easier. 1/2 cup to 1 cup of nuts. I am using pecans today but walnuts work great.
Mix all together and place in a greased loaf pan, Bake according to package directions.

I watch mind just to make sure it doesn't burn,sometimes adding extra ingredients causes it to bake faster.
So while we are waiting for the bread to bake, lets make some honey butter. Taste great on the bread.

You need l stick of butter, softened. you can use margarine but I find butter just taste better when you are making favored  butters. Add 1/4-1/2 cup of honey. I like to taste the butter so I only use 1/4 cup of honey. You just have to use your own judgement.
Mix together the softened butter and honey. I use my mixer because its easier but I have done it by hand.
You want a smooth consistency.
Place in a container and it will keep in your refrigerator for weeks, but with the bread it probably won't last that long.

Doesn't the bread look good, Wish you could smell it. It smells Wonderful !!!!

Taste great especially with the honey butter.
Try your hand at baking this Banana Bread. You will love it and so will your family.
I actually made mini-loave size last year and gave to my co-workers for Christmas with the honey butter. Everyone loved it and wanted the recipe.I didn't share. Every girl needs a secret.
Thanks for stopping by, Patricia

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Deck The Tree with...

Has anyone ever heard of a Halloween Tree, We have a tree in the front lobby where I work and it is decked out for Halloween with Pumpkins, Fall leaves, and Scrawcrows, and orange lights. It's Cute.
It is decorated for each season. It puts you in the holiday spirit as you walk in the door. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A New Journey

Hello,Thanks for stopping by. This is a new journey for me. I have enjoyed reading numerous blogs this last year and decided I wanted to be a part of the fun. I also started a new job in September as Hospice/Palliative Care Nurse; the picture shows the slogan for our unit,
                                        "No One Walks The Path Alone"
I think this same saying could and should be applied to our own life. We should never feel alone in life, but I know that there are alot of people who do and that makes me sad. We all need a friend. So if  I can ever listen or offer a kind word to anyone I am more that happy too, In Hospice we do alot of listening. People usually have much to say when the end is near.
As I step out into blogland I know that I'm not alone, there are many bloggers out there who are willing to help guide along the way. I look forward to meeting you here.
Thanks again for stopping by. Patricia