26 years ago when we moved into our neighborhood, our neighbors were mostly retired older people. It was a very quiet neighborhood. Unfortunately most have passed away and their homes sold to realtors who find it necessary to rent out these homes. Some of our current neighbors are not good neighbors or nice people. This is where the metamorphosis occurs. A nice young couple moved into the house beside of us. They were friendly, seem like good neighbors we were excited, but the young man began borrowing money from my husband, using reasons like his son was sick and he didn't have money for medicine, his wifes' car was broke down and he didn't have the money for repairs. You get the idea. After moving in the young man got a puppy (Tipsy) a very cute and sweet girl ( and yes she is a pit bull) . He would let her run loose in the neighborhood. She would get into trouble, chasing cats, going into other neighbors yards, chewing on things that did not belong to her, normal puppy things. Having a pitbull ourselves we knew how people would react to her. It was January and cold outside. Our pitbull Jazzy would stand at the door and whine for Tipsy when she was out running loose. We began letting her in to keep her out of trouble and to let her spend the night. Jazzy had a new friend and we were trying to protect her. During this time we found out that the young man was in to drugs and was constantly trying to borrow money from my husband. My husband finally said enough is enough. The young man was told that he could not borrow any more money. Afraid that he would sell Tipsy for money because he really had a problem and had become desperate, my husband told him that he did not need to pay him back any money if he would give Tipsy to us. Bill paid in full. He agreed. Tipsy became ours. She went to the Vet, she was checked out and received her shots. She is one of the best buys I ever got.
The young man unfortunately is in prison. His wife and child moved away and the house now sits empty.
Chelseas' story is similar, neighbors behind us had Chelsea as a puppy, decided she was too much trouble
and offered her to our neighbor who had the drug problem. I think they have drug problems too but have never borrowed from us or caused us any problems. They are relatively quiet. Chelsea began running loose, afraid that she would get hit by a car we took her in. They now are both happy and heathy. We love them dearly and would never ever change taking them in.
Just a note- Jazzy our 6 year old pitbull became ill during this time, had surgery and died several days later from a blood clot is what they think (Thats all I can write about that now)
That is my metamorphosis, taking something that could have been bad and turning it into a happy ending.
Please join Susan for more amazing metamorphosis stories.