Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter

Wishing you all a Happy Easter. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by and for your sweet comments. I enjoy reading them, checking out your blogs and appreciate your kind words.
God Bless You all.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter bunnies for Table Top Tuesday

I have been away from the computer for a week now, I just celebrated my wedding anniversary 32 years with a trip to the beautiful North Carolina mountains. This was a stream running beside our cabin. These are just some of the mountains we saw just stepping out onto the porch of our cabin. Just beautiful and so relaxing. It was just what we needed.

 While away my son became engaged and is planning a wedding in October 10-10-10 the perfect '10" is what they are telling me.
                                                  Michael and Jamie Lynn
 I don't think they realize all the planning that goes into a wedding. I will do my best to help but I can feel major stress about to happen.
  I need some fun  that is not stressful, so I am joining Marty @ A Stroll Thur Life for Table Top Tuesday. I am sharing some of my Easter decorations today. This is what I have sitting on my Dining room table today.

All my bunnies have gathered on my table for Easter. My Easter bunny tassel has joined the party, he keeps hopping around my house trying to find the perfect spot, he wants to be the center of attention  : )
Below is my one of my end tables decorated for Easter. I just love the pink bunny rabbit.
 I found him at Big Lots for $1.50  He reminds me of a milk chocolate bunny only pink. I did have eggs in the basket but 4-legged children have gotten them out and I keep finding them in strange places like under my bed. I did explain to them that we hide eggs on Sunday, I guess they decided to start early LOL. 
Please visit Marty and others who are participating in Table
top Tuesday, you are sure to find some amazing vignettes.
Thanks for stopping by today, Have a great week.